Friday, November 25, 2011

Family Time.

Q dabbling in a little watercolor.

Family portrait...

Quinn's new game-climbing in and out of the baskets...

Pre-Bank Robbery

Enjoying the gorgeous Fall weather!

If only she was really smiling...(she is actually whining in this picture)

Our shadows joined us on our walk today.  (Q doesn't understand how her shadow manages to follow her EVERYWHERE she goes).

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Reid is one month old!

Reid loves the bath!

Snoozin with dad

On the phone with Grammy

My friend took newborn pics of Reid (he was about 2 weeks here).  

Q loves her baby brother.  She gives him hugs and kisses all day long!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Quinn and Reid get to know eachother

Quinn got a new table/chair set...and LOVES it!

Storytime with Grandpa Pete 

Grammy and Quinn spot squirrels outside

New princess shoes, complements of Grammy

Reid has arrived...10/22/11

Our first family photo

Quinn gives her baby brother a kiss...she has been a great big sister!

Dressed for a cool Fall day

Reid's first Glamour Shot

A very important call

Reid's first bath...

Let's just say...he hated it.

Grammy and Quinn getting ready for a trip to Nordstrom. 

Halloween is here.  Quinn was Pebbles...

Reid was Bam Bam

Reid was really into it!

Happy big sister.

The rain boots have been a hit.  

We call this, "the old man"...(not Ryan...but Reid) ha!

Cozy with my little man:)