Sunday, September 18, 2011

Betsy and Rob's visit, Finger Painting and our visit to Avalon, NJ

Auntie Betsy and Uncle Rob came to visit:)  Quinn got some quality story time in.

Quinn and her friend Chloe and their first time finger painting!

Smocks are on...(hilarious how big out t-shirts look on the girls) 

Quinn loving picture-time.

Before our little Van Goghs got started.

Quinn thought the paint was flavored frosting...

The look of disappointment when she realized the "frosting" wasn't sweet. 

Q and mom...(oh, and "the belly bump")

The work is complete (Quinn's are the 2 on the left, Chloe's are the 2 on the right)

Painting sure did work up an appetite.

We spent the weekend in Avalon, NJ with our friend's Bill and Katie.  We went out for a morning you can see, the Fall weather has arrived.

The beach...

Quinn loved the beach...

Just a little wind...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hurricane, Zoo, Etc of 2011

Q sporting the new dress she got from Mimi and Grandpa Pete.

Dad and Q watching the rain during "Hurricane" Irene

We had to get creative during the hurricane...keeping Q cooped up inside=LOOONNNGGG day!

The aftermath...

We took Q to the National Zoo in Washington DC last weekend.  
Mimi and Grandpa Pete came along...we had a good time.

Somebody was getting sleepy...
Somebody was avoiding eye contact.

The chimps on the cable wire above our heads...
I was praying they wouldn't jump down and eat us for a snack!

Eye contact achieved!

Check out that "bump"!

How fun...I can wear daddy's shoes.


Maybe it is not so fun!!!