Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Miss Crazy Hair and Adventures at the Park

Quinn with another wild hairdo after her nap...

Bath time...check out her two top teeth coming in.

So Chic.

We walked to the park...

Quinn brought her new pink TOMS...
She has learned how to take her shoes off...
"where should I hide them so mom doesn't put them on me again?"

"Here is a good spot...she will never find me here"

Quinn's newest Fish Face.


2.5 second mood change...Worried?


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Quinn watches the Royal Wedding, Annual Annapolis Croquet Match, Grammy comes to town

Quinn and I sported our fascinators at Katie Osgood's Royal Wedding Watch Party!  Q was a hit.

The fascinator took up 75% of her head...hopefully, she won't have any neck issues.

Katie's dog, Hans, LOVED Quinn...she got her first kiss from a boy that day-check out her reaction!

Quinn looking delighted to be at Annapolis's annual Croquet match! 

Grammy came to town...

Quinn loves her Grammy!

Q playing with her 2nd cousin, Robert.

We went to Binghamton, NY for Mothers Day.  4 generations in one room!

Quinn with her Great Aunt Marcia and Great Grandma