Sunday, July 8, 2012

Summer has hit the West coast!!!

"Did I hear you say, it's lunchtime?"

Mr. Man climbs up on EVERYTHING! 

Q lifting from the legs...

Quinn's couch fort

The "security guard" telling Reid "no boys allowed"

I found a compromise to the finger paints (pre-made pictures with the paint already on the page...genius!)

Gorgeous evening at Marine Park

Reid hanging at the stroller 

You can spot my shorts from Alaska

Princess watching the train go by

Park #1,023

A ferry ride to see Uncle Josh, Auntie Heather,  Henry, Olivia and (baby X...only a few more weeks!)

Check out Mt. Baker behind the ferry
Quinn's first day of school (not sure who took it harder, Ryan or me)

Put the number to social services away, Reid likes to play with daddy's belt

Our first trip to Rocket Donuts...delightful!

"DON'T TOUCH my donut!"

Right after daddy vulture asked "Quinn, are you going eat your whole donut?"

Hanging out at Grammy and Papa's house

He wants to walk so bad!!! 

Doing everything in her power to NOT look at mommy for a picture

Ha Ha, I won!

Whatcom Falls Park...they have fish hatcheries

Quinn intrigued by the Falls

Mommy intrigued by Quinn's "bottom"


Ry hangin out...

...yet ANOTHER beautiful walk 

Icecream with the cousins...

Q so excited by the choo choo train

Waiting at the airport to see daddy (coming home from a concert in San Francisco)
Happy 4th of July!

Quinn worn out after her 2nd day of school.  It was a harder day than day 1 (I think b/c she knew what was going drops her off and doesn't come back for awhile ).  I told myself the entire walk home, "this IS good for her"

Off to the library...

It is so cool to see the kids start to interact...

How well do you think Ryan's nap is going?

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