Sunday, March 27, 2011

Quinn is 11 months!

Quinn sporting her new hat...made by Kim Bare.  Thank you Kim, it is gorgeous!

 Spring colors are in bloom!

Quinn has a baby in her belly, just like mommy!  (she thought it was funny to put a ball under her shirt).

The blueberry monster...let's just say, 2 days later, her fingernails still looked like she hadn't had a bath in 2 weeks!

The magic bottle train...
Transports hungry, fussy child to the kitchen, awaits the bottle being made and delivers happ"ier" child to the living room for the meal to begin and have a happy child again:)

Quinn got a new sippy cup...

Slinging one back:)

Thanks for the new sippy cup...but I much prefer mom's water bottle!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Quinn walking the talk . . .

Spring is here!!!

How exactly am I going to get the remote control, 
mom's cell phone and dad's cell phone into my possession without them seeing me?

Quinn enjoying her new bathtub...(it took me about 4 hours to blow it up...I think I only passed out twice)

Getting her nails's favorite times!

Our first day of outdoor activity at the park...Welcome Spring!

Quinn getting acquainted with the grass (note: grass in mouth)

Note: look on face after grass in mouth...

Get that camera out of my face...

Staring contest

Standing on her own...